London to Paris -
bus is cheapest

AirFlights.TO survey
14 Sep 2007 flights
survey on 19 Aug 2007

The average cost of hopping on a flight from London to Paris has spiked to £291, making it worthwhile to hop onto National Express coaches & a ferry, for just £34 (even the Eurostar rail trip is looking attractively priced, at £155 ). From a flight point of view British Airways flights from London to Paris have gone up to £391, Air France flights to £375 and KLM flights are at at £343; only easyjet flights at at £53 look reasonable (just remember that they're starting to charge extra for luggage seperately).

Survey date

Flight date

Air France

British Airways



National Express


19 Aug 2007

14 Sep 2007



£53 ¹

£343 ²

£34 *

£155 **

12 Aug 2007

7 Sep 2007



£53 ¹

£347 ²

£34 *

£155 **

[Survey of busses, trains and flights from London to Paris,
leaving between 1700 and 2000 (London time).]

¹ Easyjet are in the process of changing to a system of charging extra for luggage. KLM (economy class) allow 2 pieces of checked luggage weighing up to 23kg in total. British Airways (World Traveller and Euro Traveller) allow 1 piece of luggage weighing up to 23kg. Air France (Temp class) allows 2 pieces of checked luggage weighing up to 23kg in total. All airlines charge extra for non-standard sized baggage.

² Only business class tickets were available.

* bus/ferry ** train

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