New York - ManhattanCheaper flight prices from London to New York

Average flight prices from London to New York (and back) have gone down a bit, thanks to Silverjet, Eos, Aer Lingus, Maxjet, Zoom, Continental and Austrian Airlines decreasing their flight prices. During our last survey British Airways offered the cheapest flight from London to New York, and today the honours go to Zoom airlines. Note that these flight prices were valid as at the date of the survey, but may have changed since then.


27 Aug 2007 survey
3 Jan 2008 outbound
24 Jan 2008 inbound

British Airways


Virgin Atlantic Airways


eos Airlines
48 passengers on a plane built for 220


Silverjet Airline
(Business Class only, carbon-neutral flight)


Air France UK


KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Aer Lingus




Continental Air Lines






Austrian Airlines
in partnership


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